AI2EAR - Midterm Meeting Summary 3/30/2022
Progress Report
AI2EAR website is complete and equipped with a forum for posting opportunities and network communication
New networks have joined AI2EAR:
STEPS, Science, and technologies for phosphorus sustainability
TRIIP, Transcription regulation initiative in plants
EUFRULAND, Evolution of genetic network required for fruit and fruit-like structures development of land plants
Applications for student opportunities are posted on the website
Mini-Research Grant - funding for a student/postdoc to go to research in a network members lab
One student accepted from STEPS network
Applications are open - encourage your students to apply!
Bridge Program - summer program for recently accepted NC State graduate students to get to know the campus through research experience and mentorship to promote success of their future graduate studies
In the process of preparing pairings of students and labs - encourage your students to apply! Also - if you would like to host a student in your lab, please also reach out to the project manager -
Travel Grant - funding for students/researchers to travel to workshops/seminars.
Preparation for each of these programs has taken place through multiple meetings and resource sharing. Coordination for successful travel including managing travel restrictions taking place.
Social media launched on twitter April 1st. Follow us @AI2EAR to stay up to date on opportunities and events.
What’s Next for AI2EAR?
Submitting an opinion paper to a social science journal about:
what broadening participation is and can look like in STEM/Agriculture fields
detailing what AI2EAR is doing to provide a culture of inclusion to model this
Asking for participation from networks either in writing, editing, or an interview on your personal experience with diversity and inclusion in your lab/in the field
If you have any questions or would like to participate in any of these opportunities - please email the project manager at