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Timeline & Sustainability

Catalytic Phase

Research Activities Timeline

The current AI2EAR Networks are all in their own right established entities with institutional support, funding, facilities, and resources. They are all committed to leveraging these resources throughout the catalyst project and beyond as AI2EAR grows and matures by dedicating time and resources. The Executive Committee will ensure that AI2EAR “sustainability” beyond the catalyst and eventually full implementation phase is embedded in the mission and goals of AI2EAR.

Awardee Meeting

NSF AccelNet 2021

Activities will include time devoted to helping each team build its communication, collaboration capacity, & initiate a community of practice within the AccelNet 2020 & 2019 cohort. The 2020 AccelNet Awardee Meeting will occur in 3 phases:

Phase 1

12/07/21 - 12/18/21

Dialogue-based workshops that will last no more than 2 hours. The ideal size for these workshops is 6-8 participants, however we can accommodate up to 12 if there are others on your team that would like to join. We have conducted over 350 of these workshops around the world in helping teams create a culture of communication and collaboration.

Phase 2

01/11/22 - 01/12/22

This will include external speakers with experience and expertise in the area of international network to network collaborations, along with interactive segments to support the development of a community of practice.

Phase 3

Spring 2022

This will continue throughout spring 2021 through a webinar series to build our collective knowledge and practice regarding international network to network collaborations.


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