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growth of AI2EAR


International Collaboration to Accelerate Integration of Engineering, Plant Sciences, & Agricultural Research using Artificial Intelligence

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Our Mission

“We want to help nourish the growing population without further destroying the environment”

Our mission is to enable long-term global food security and safety by accelerating collaboration between all the necessary disciplinary thought leaders and provide a framework for the sharing of critical resources and information needed to drive innovation.

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Key challenges  that hinder our ability to meet the world’s food security needs:

  1. Our inability to sense, quantify, and predict physical and chemical variables in the environment, including the microbiome

  2. The lack of data analytics and models that transform concurrent multi-scale datasets into decision-making strategies for improving crop yield and minimizing crop loss

  3. The lack of open-source data cyber-infrastructures for accessing, analyzing, and sharing the “insight” extracted from heterogeneous biological, agricultural, and environmental datasets.

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Our Goal

Vision that drives AI2EAR:

Advance our understanding of how to support successful integration of agriculture, life sciences, and engineering to resolve scientific and technical gaps as well as social barriers with the overarching goal of ensuring global food security.

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